Non-Progressive Verbs
What are Non-Progressive verbs?
The verbs that we don’t use in progressive or continuous tenses are called non-progressive verbs. These verbs are used when we don’t see somebody doing something.
- The cup full of something feels so hot.
- I see what you are doing.
- I want to know about the main issue.
- The music sounds great and relaxing.
- It costs too much, so I don’t like to buy it.
Kind of verbs that are not used in progressive tenses
There are some kinds of verbs that are not used in progressive
Verbs that show mental states
There are some verbs that we use to show mental states. We
don’t use these verbs in progressive tenses. These verbs include believe, know, remember,
want, etc.
- I believe that he is right.
- I know what you want to tell.
- I remember what you asked last year.
- I want to tell you about the upcoming policies.
Verbs that show emotions
There are some verbs that we use to show emotions. We don’t
use these verbs in progressive tenses. They are love, like, hate, prefer, etc.
- I love chocolate.
- He likes his new car.
- They prefer taking tea to driving juice.
Verbs of Senses
The verbs related to our senses (feel, hear, see, smell,
sound, taste) are non-progressive verbs and they are not used in progressive
tenses when they refer to the action of the senses.
- I hear something strange.
- It smells awful.
- Take a side, please. I don’t see.
Verbs that show state or relations
Verbs that show states or relations are also not used in
progressive forms. Verbs such as equal, fit, belong, include, cost, owe, own,
signify, sound, etc.
- Five plus five equals ten.
- You are so smart and every dress fits you.
- The cash belongs to my partner, so I can’t give you.
Some special cases to remember
It is not used in progressive form when it shows possession.
It can be used in other meanings.
- I have an idea to get rid of the problem.
- We are having a great time at the picnic.
The verb (feel) is used in progressive form when we use our fingers to check something.
- I am feeling scratches on the surface of the glass.
- I feel happy.
We use the verb (think) in progressive form when using one’s
brain and don’t use the progressive form when it means opinion.
- I think it is better to stay alone when you study for an exam.
- I am thinking about your question.
When we use our eyes, then we can use the word "look" in progressive form.
When it means seem, we don’t use it in progressive form.
- Why are you looking there?
- It looks beautiful.
Weigh and Measuring
They are used in progressive forms when we describe the action of
weighing and measuring, but we don’t use them when describing the weight or length of
- It weighs 2kg.
- I am weighing sugar sack.
- He is measuring the length of the wall.
Here is a list of common non progressive verbs
Amaze |
Appreciate |
Astonish |
Believe |
Belong |
Care |
Cost |
Contain |
Consist of |
Concern |
Dislike |
Doubt |
Exist |
Expect |
Envy |
Equal |
Feel |
Forget |
Fear |
Fit |
Hate |
Hear |
Hope |
Have |
Hold |
Imagine |
Include |
Know |
Like |
Look |
Love |
Lack |
Mind |
Matter |
Mean |
Need |
Own |
Owe |
Prefer |
Possess |
Perceive |
Realize |
Remember |
Regard |
Recognize |
Require |
See |
Seem |
Smell |
Suppose |
Sound |
Taste |
Think |
Understand |
Value |
Want |
Weigh |
Wish |